Kamis, 21 Mei 2020

When To Go To Arab

When To Go
Arab best time is from September to maret, but in month of december to february is winter peak where the temperature can reach 5 Celsius. September to december where the best temperature because doesnt hot and cool. April to August is summer time and very hot in arab.
If you go to Arab Saudi in winter peak you must maintain a healthy body, drink mineral water in 3 hours, use warm clothes.

Arab have five international airpot ex viz king fahd International Airport, King Abdul Aziz Jeddah Airport, King khalid international airpoort, Amir Muhammad Bin Abdul Aziz International airport, and al-ahsa international airport.

Bandara King Abdul Aziz, Indahnya Bandara di Madinah Ini - YouTube

King Abdul Aziz International Airport is a busiet airport in arab saudi during the season Haji and Umroh. If you wont to go to Mekkah, Madinah and many more you can use the bus, travel car, and taxi. In King Abdul Aziz interanional airport some people can speak indonesia.

if you want to go Arab Saudi you cant prepare money to ticket airplane is IDR. 12.000.000 for once fly to Arab Saudi not included ticket to you back to Indonesian. But if you Umroh you can go to Arab saudi minimal payment IDR 22.000.000 to maximal payment IDR 35.000.000 has include to travelling come to Turkey 3 day and in arab saudi 9 day


Indonesian people to Arab Suadi to much Umroh and Haji, although someone works there and

Arab Suadi have a famous place is Ka'bah, Masjidil Haram, Masjid Nabawi. Where in Ka'bah is Qibla of muslim pray.
Ka'Bah is the most beatiful place in the world for muslim in the word. Masjidil Haram and Masjid nabawi for pray muslim, the place very big, many poeple, and very clean.
In Mekkah we can drink water Zamzam free. People in arab saudi verygood.

Arab Saudi have many recration place viz Museum abdul raouf khalil, Kompleks Abraj Al Bait, Aquariom Fakieh and many more

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